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Business Strategy, Lancashire

Business Financial Advisory

Business strategy

It is important to step away from the normal day to day business operations and review the direction and state of the business and its market place. Success is achieved when both the owners of the business and the key management buy into the plan and are importantly part of the development.

Key players (owners and management) should be involved in the development of the strategy.

Once the key objectives have been agreed a plan can be developed to achieve them.

This plan should then be regularly reviewed against actual performance (by the same key players) and any corrective action agreed to ensure the objective is achieved.

We can assist in the development of strategy by providing advice on both the strategy and the process/mechanism to be adopted together with advice on how and where strategy meetings should be conducted.

Ashworth Moulds
Speak to us today.
Our knowledge and experience across all sectors helps many local businesses and individuals, whether starting up in business or planning for retirement.
Get in Touch
Ashworth Moulds Chartered Accountants
11 Nicholas Street, Burnley BB11 2AL
Tel: +44 01 282 432 171
Fax: +44 01 282 412 510