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Business sale, Lancashire

Business Financial Advisory

Disposal of a business

At some point in time the current owners of the business will require to exit the business – this could be a sale, management buy-out or simply closing down the operations.

To achieve the maximum sale proceeds it is important to develop an exit strategy. This involves making an assessment of the available options and understanding your objectives.

The business needs to be in the best possible state to achieve a sale:

  • resolve any major disputes
  • ensure legal documentation is in place with staff, customers and suppliers
  • current financial information is available

The timing of the sale can be crucial in minimising the owner’s tax liability.

Ashworth Moulds
Speak to us today.
Our knowledge and experience across all sectors helps many local businesses and individuals, whether starting up in business or planning for retirement.
Get in Touch
Ashworth Moulds Chartered Accountants
11 Nicholas Street, Burnley BB11 2AL
Tel: +44 01 282 432 171
Fax: +44 01 282 412 510
Email: [email protected]